Mike Whatley Honda Special

Balance, Rotate, and Alignment


Plus, tax & shop supplies, must present coupon at write up, cannot be combined with any other offers or discounts, 1 coupon per customer

Mike Whatley Honda Special

Brake Pad Replacement

With Rotor Resurfacing
$249.99 per axle

Plus, tax & shop supplies, must present coupon at write up, prices may vary by model, cannot be combined with any other offers or discounts, 1 coupon per customer

Mike Whatley Honda Special

Any Service

10% Off

Excludes tires & timing belt, not to exceed $100

Mike Whatley Honda Special

Discount on Fluid Exchange

10% Off
$10 off 1 service $20 off 2 services $30 off 3 services $40 off 4 or more services